Hi, sphinx. Your idea is definitely one of the many possibilities, but the implementation could be cumbersome. The erection method used for Crown Center @ Cumberland County Coliseum Complex, Fayetteville, North Carolina in 1997 was vastly different from the one for Gymnastics and Fencing Halls, Seoul, Korea in 1985. The learning process helped to cut down the construction time and manpower. For the 2 almost identical structures, it took more than 120 people for 6 months to erect Gymnastics Hall but only 25 people for 3 months to erect Taoyuan Arena.
As you observed, when there is no or little pre-stress in the cable dome system, the structure is rather unstable. Telescoping the struts will require people to work in the air with heavy equipments without solid footing. There is also a system buckling possibility. Cranes could be used to hold up top connections in place, how practical is this? There are 96 top connections in Tropicana Field, St. Petersburg, Florida.
Site constrain is another problem. Usually the floor area is much smaller than the roof over it. There is not enough space to spread out the cable network. Picture 1 can illustrate the situation for you.
These 3 pictures were taken at the beginning of the Taoyuan Arena roof erection in 1993.作者:
davidchen 时间: 2003-1-24 05:49 标题: 回复: 我们来讨论一下索穹
From what you said, I feel all of domestic researchers in this field lack the experience of practice. All of us are eager to hope we can collaborate with you to practise this structure in Beijing for the 2008 Olympic game.
By the way, as known, very extraordinarily, the Crown Coliseum is covered with metal roof deck instead of the fabric roof. Can you generously show us the connection details? You said its erection method is very efficient, compared with one of Gymnastics and Fencing Halls, Seoul, Korea in 1985. is it only shorten the outer-most diagonals to introduce the pre-stress?
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