提到STRUDL,则不能不提及发轫于1964年的ICES(Integrated Civil Engineering System)——一个由IBM,美国国家科学基金会(the National Science Foundation),McDonnell Automation Company 和福特基金会(the Ford Foundation)共同赞助的项目,STRUDL是ICES这个项目中的一部分,由John Biggs教授和后来成为教授的Robert Logcher牵头。STRUDL 是STRUctural Design Language的缩写,1967年发布了其第一个版本。
如果再向前追溯,则不得不提到MIT的Charles L. Miller教授。他COGO – the coordinate geometry technology,此项技术仍然是目前几乎所有surveying和roadway设计软件的核心。它是第一个采用了“问题导向语言(problem oriented)”的程序,工程师可以用其提供的一些跟英语语法非常相近的命令来操控计算机。而STRUDL从COGO中借鉴了这种思路。
在David E. Weisberg的《The Engineering Design Revolution:The People, Companies and Computer Systems That Changed Forever the Practice of Engineering》中提到:
“One of the most significant aspects of Miller’s work and why I feel he deserves greater recognition than he has received is that he never considered the MIT version COGO to be proprietary technology – he made it readily available to the world without any restrictions. The only other similar example I can think off is Tim Berners-Lee the creator of the World Wide Web. Imagine where we might be today if these two pioneers had decided to patent their technology and required us to pay a royalty every time we designed a highway intersection or used the Web.”
根据David E. Weisberg的上述描述,STRUDL的思路和技术是免费的。想必十几年之后才开始开发的STAAD,也是借鉴了STRUDL的这套衣钵的。作者:
cgpings 时间: 2011-7-12 17:40
下载学习 谢谢楼主 感谢作者:
huayunfeng_3 时间: 2011-10-12 21:20
nightrain 时间: 2012-11-27 10:12
刘伟光329116 时间: 2013-1-24 09:53
谢谢 楼主的 慷慨
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