中华钢结构论坛 China Structure Forum                                              XinY structural consultants ltd


积分 149
帖子 79
2002-11-20 23:45    顶部

按照荷载规范, 绝大多数膜结构的风荷载体型系数应由风洞试验确定,但风洞试验相对来说费用较高,从近期已建的膜结构看绝大多数是没有做试验的,从长远看,应该对典型体型的膜结构作风洞试验,将结果写入荷载规范,以后相近的工程就不必再做风洞试验了.不知这种想法是否现实.望感兴趣的朋友参与讨论.

积分 10
帖子 5
2002-11-21 10:36    顶部


积分 1437
帖子 415
2002-11-21 18:13    QQ 顶部


积分 193
帖子 59
2003-1-16 00:40    顶部

Any building code requires you to consider basic wind speed, ground snow load, exposure, occupancy importance factor, seismic zone coefficient, shape factors, snow drift, snow sliding, wind drag, wind gust, wind suction, wind pressure, dead loads, live loads, construction loads and all the possible load combinations. When in doubt, the most conservative combinations should be considered in analysis and design. Most of the time, this will drive the cost upward.
A wind-tunnel test is warranted when the structure is large, tall, complex in shape, a new system or a public safety concern. But usually the key reason is the project wants to cut the cost. Normally the wind-tunnel test will lower wind/snow loads to be used for analysis and design. When the structure is small, the saving doesn’t pay for the cost of the test.
Unfortunately wind-tunnel test is not an exact science; it takes a lot of experience. There are not that many reputable outfits in the world. Otherwise the cost will not be so high.

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