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ask one detail

积分 2
帖子 1
2007-8-22 20:21    顶部

as the pic show,how to design the detail?what need to check about the bolt,the weld,and the gusset plate? THX.

积分 152
帖子 126
2007-8-31 13:30    顶部

ensure the fastness of bolt that is right for the hole;
ensure both the uniformity and size of weld;
keep the same size of both sides  along the connection part of the gusset plate.
of course,it's the first step to design the detail of criterion.

■ Do your best,god will do the rest! ■

积分 16
帖子 14
2007-8-31 15:46    顶部

bolt shear:
bearing :
connection material :
whitmore section yield:
gusset buckling:

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