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about Textile Roofs Asia 2004

积分 28
帖子 18
2003-12-8 10:41    顶部

How could I get one copy of Textile Roofs Asia 2004 Proceedings?Is it available now?
I noted it woud be hleld in Shanghai most likely in October,2004?
Thanks for reply soon!

积分 892
帖子 551
2003-12-8 10:49    顶部

Workshop: Textile Roofs 2004  
Contact: mail@textile-roofs.com
Where: Berlin (D)
When: 10/06/2004 - 12/06/2004
More info:
Since 1995 Textile Roofs is a successful event with regard to the Design and Realisation of Membrane Structures.  
Co-Host TensiNet  
Sponsored by Ferrari and technet GmbH  

积分 28
帖子 18
2003-12-8 14:41    顶部

but how is Textile Roofs  2004 in  Asia(Shanghai)?How is it scheduled?
Thank you

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