The MASSES which are to be used in assembling the MASS MATRIX
The mathematical method that STAAD uses is called the subspace iteration eigen extraction method. Some information on this is available in Section 1.18.3 of the STAAD.Pro Technical Reference Manual. The method involves 2 matrices - the stiffness matrix, and the mass matrix.
The stiffness matrix, usually called the [K] matrix, is assembled using data such as member and element lengths, member and element properties, modulus of elasticity, poisson's ratio, member and element releases, member offsets, support information, etc.
For assembling the mass matrix, called the [M] matrix, STAAD uses the load data specified in the load case in which the MODAL CAL REQ command is specified. So, some of the important aspects to bear in mind are:
The input you specify is weights, not masses. Internally, STAAD will convert weights to masses by dividing the input by "g", the acceleration due to gravity.
If the structure is declared as a PLANE frame, there are 2 possible directions of vibration - global X, and global Y. If the structure is declared as a SPACE frame, there are 3 possible directions - global X, global Y and global Z. However, this does not guarantee that STAAD will automatically consider the masses for vibration in all the available directions.
You have control over and are responsible for specifying the directions in which the masses ought to vibrate. In other words, if a weight if not specified along a certain direction, the corresponding degrees of freedom (such as for example, global Z at node 34) will not receive a contribution in the mass matrix. The mass matrix is assembled using only the masses from the weights and directions specified by the user.
In our example, notice that we are specifying the selfweight along global X, Y and Z directions. Similarly, the element pressure load is also specified along all 3 directions. We have chosen not to restrict any direction for this problem. If a user wishes to restrict a certain weight to certain directions only, all he/she has to do is not provide the directions in which those weights cannot vibrate in.
As much as possible, provide absolute values for the weights. STAAD is programmed to algebraically add the weights at nodes. So, if some weights are specified as positive numbers, and others as negative, the total weight at a given node is the algebraic summation of all the weights in the global directions at that node.(这里强调在特征值分析工况的“荷载”一定要输入绝对值!如果有正有负的话,STAAD会进行代数叠加,这样,就会遗漏一部分质量,切记!)
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